(Copied from TNN because the colours are too pretty to not show everywhere!)
I had me some Postal S.E.X (Stash Enrichment Expedition) today when a lovely TNNer sent me this stunning skein of recycled sari yarn. I'm still gobsmacked by the complete beauty of all those colours. So I'm thinking a wee knitted or crocheted purse? What do you think?
(OK...I still haven't finished Gus' seaweed shorties. I did add the elastic to the waistband today so when I do actually finish the knitting part they're good to go.)
I had to show a picture of this cute little guy (10cm long) that I got from TradeAid yesterday. Yes, he's knitted. From jute!! He's cute. My kids got one and cousin Amelia (6m) is getting one in her Christmas Treasure basket.
I said I would, so here it is.. my half sleeve! lol.. ok, so its more like a quarter sleeve so far... featuring stitch markers by neak! i just like the way the variagations are turning out with the increases in the centre :D